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Adult Ministries

Dearborn Baptist Church is blessed by God to have a wonderful balance of men and women of all ages and stages in life. This balance serves to strengthen the church and to make DBC optimistic about its future. The men and women of Dearborn Baptist serve the Lord and each other through the ministries listed below.


The pulpit ministry of preaching God's Word is taken very seriously at Dearborn Baptist Church. Our pastor is devoted to in-depth study and preparation so that he can always "rightly divide" (2 Timothy 2:15) – correctly interpret and apply – Scripture to the congregation. His sermons are a substantive exposition of a biblical text proclaimed with clarity.

Adult Bible Fellowships

While the children are in Sunday School (Sunday 9:30 a.m.), the adults are also organized into classes for fellowship and Bible study. There are four Adult Bible Fellowships: CrossRoads (Co-ed Young Adult); Journey (Co-ed); Women of the Word (Adult Women); Legacy (Adult Men). In addition, from time to time, the church offers "topic specific" classes like "Starting Point" for new and prospective members. (Come early for coffee, juice, and donuts [available in the Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m.] before Sunday School and Adult Bible Fellowship Classes).


Prayer Partners

Prayer Partners is a ministry that provides fellowship, encouragement, support, and, of course, prayer, offers a strong bond for the men of DBC. Prayer Partners challenges the men of DBC each year to make a one-year commitment to daily prayer for the Pastor(s) and for a designated prayer partner. In addition, prayer meetings are held at 8:30 and 9:15 a.m. every Sunday morning, as well as a quarterly Prayer Breakfast, and an annual Prayer Partner Retreat. Occasionally "special" prayer meetings are needed. Prayer Partners operates by the motto: "When we work, we work; but when we pray, God works."

Women's Ministry

As in the home, women serve in an essential role in the success of the ministry of Dearborn Baptist Church, providing hospitality, prayer support, personal communication, and financial support to the church, the community, and the mission field. Women of the Word is an Adult Ladies' Bible Fellowship that meets Sundays at 9:30 a.m. for prayer, fellowship, and Bible study. Periodically, there is a week-night Ladies' Bible Study. Ladies' Fellowships are also scheduled throughout the year.

Music Ministry


Throughout the ages, the people of God have expressed their praise and worship in "psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs singing and making melody in (their) hearts to the Lord" (Ephesians 5:19). A Minister of Music attests that musical expression is an important aspect of worship at Dearborn Baptist Church. Congregational singing is a blend of traditional hymns, modern hymns, and contemporary praise choruses. Our pastor likes to say, "At Dearborn, we never stop singing the great old hymns of the faith and we never stop learning new songs." The Sanctuary Choir adds a special touch of sacred choral music to the worship. In addition, the church is blessed with talented singers and skilled musicians who use their talents to turn hearts toward God. The styles vary widely – from traditional, to contemporary, to southern gospel, to gospel bluegrass – but are connected by the truth that is being proclaimed in song.

Crossover Counseling

Crossover Counseling is a ministry to provide trained and certified lay-counselors, men and women whose hearts are filled with compassion for hurting people and a zeal to lead them to Christ the Savior of souls and Healer of those who are broken. The purpose of CrossOver Counseling is expressed clearly by Jesus in Luke 4:18: "…To preach the gospel to the poor, … to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, (and) to set at liberty them that are bruised."


While the aim of every ministry of Dearborn Baptist Church ultimately is to evangelize and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20), there are specific evangelistic outreach efforts of the church. We expose our community to the gospel and to our church using a variety of methods (tracts, recordings, visits, cards, phone calls, canvassing, follow-up, and special events).


Recognizing that the Arts can be another means of communicating biblical truths, occasionally, a service at Dearborn Baptist Church will include a short skit and the Drama Team is a group of young and old who make it happen! There is also a bi-annual Christmas Drama/Musical intended as a community outreach.


From its earliest beginnings in 1986, Dearborn Baptist Church has had a strong commitment to and involvement in international missionary effort. The church gives financial and prayer support to more than thirty missionaries monthly who, scattered across the globe, are preaching the gospel, evangelizing, discipling believers, planting churches, and training church leaders. Amazingly, there are four Missionary families to whom DBC has a special commitment – the role of sending church. See Sponsored Missionaries of Dearborn Baptist Church

Faithful Men Bi-Annual Conference

As a ministry to pastors, missionaries, and preachers, Dearborn Baptist Church hosts (every other October – 2011, 2013, etc.) a Bible Conference designed to refresh, encourage, and enrich men in ministry (and their families). The three-night, two-day conference is a wonderful time of revival for the church, as we listen to preachers from around the world preach God's Word and as we serve these precious servants of God.

Adult Bible Fellowship
Prayer Partners
Women' Ministry
Music Ministry
Crossover Counseling
Faithful Men Conference

© 1986-2023 Dearborn Baptist Church

Aurora, IN · 812-926-4976

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